
Customer Satisfaction Survey


Our Company carries on studies to enhance its quality level and to increase customer satisfaction. Within the scope of these studies, your answers to this survey and your suggestions will contribute to our studies.

Thanks in advance for your contributions.

Do you get satisfactory answers when you demand information on our services? (*)
Are the officers reachable when required? (*)
Are the services carried out within scheduled time? (*)
Does the price match with the offered service? (*)
Do the analysis reports arrive on time? (*)
Are the reports satisfying? (*)
Do you rate analysis results as reliable? (*)
Are you satisfied with the performances of the officers and their relations with you? (*)
Do your complaints about the services responded? (*)
Do you find professional knowledge and experiences of officers sufficient? (*)
Do you think that our services comply with the impartiality, independency and confidentiality principles? (*)

Further Opinions

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