Energy generation is carried on via using collected and produced methane gas within gas engines. The waste heat coming out from the engines is utilized in heating of social and administrative buildings within our sites, greenhouses existing in some of our sites, fermentation tanks belonging to biomethanization system and some nearby residences and shopping malls.
By this means, besides reduction of carbon emission by our main activities, we utilize by-products of the generated green energy in a most efficient and environment-friendly manner.
Shortly before the rehabilitation works in Mamak Facility, implementation of nearby projects like residences, shopping malls, etc. have been initiated and the heating of these buildings are provided by the waste heat coming out from our activities.
Methane gas, which has 25 times more greenhouse effect than CO2, is disposed of in the energy generation plants.
Potato seeds are produced within greenhouse conditions, and orchids and aquarium plants are produced in tissue culture medium thanks to the works of Ankafar Tarım ve İlaç Sağlık Mühendislik Biyoteknoloji Üretim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. since 2009 in the Mamak Facility.